Luahan Lelaki Ini 'Memang Teruk Betul Astro Ni !!!'

Astro go shop.... memang best dengar slogan dia, ada t..v semua boleh beli, SUCKED.

Story je mcm ni..I wanted to buy a new pan for my mom during this coming hari raya haji next week coz their advertisement on t.v so convincing ketuk2 pun tak dented bcoz it have 3 functioned 3 layer such diamond...

Wah.....First i call their hotline, they said we will call back. Ok lah, dalam hati i cakap baiknya customer service, sanggup kal balik, its s lady ok.. then after 2 hours, im repeating again..
2 hours..cso pun call i, but not that lady again but this time a men from planet of mars maybe suara macam ala2 riang,bangla slng pun ada sikit sikit.

After verification, bagi butir2 diri, sengal ni boleh cakap takda stock at this moment. Then i asked, will u call me back once the stock is ready. He said, oh u have to call us from time to time to check eps if the product is online on your t.v.Then, do i have to repeat same process ? Then, if no stock why you call me.. oh cut down the conversation to prevent more emo macam orang gila..

memang teruk betul astro ni dari the multi repeating bored channel sampailah ke astro customer service punya kebodohan.

Dalam t.v cakap betjuta juta orang dah guna, tapi 1 stock pun takda...tak payahlah nak call.then wasted my precious time at the end said, the stock is not available.

This is really stupid c.s.o..n his accosiates. dahlah time delivery 6 working days. Memang teruklah service korang, i tunggu entertainment system baru je to beaten you all and on that time, im the one that going to terminating your lousy service , paid 200 per month for nothing.

You referlah no akaun , all the detail was there no need to repeat my address one more time, just verify it moron. No wonder you all call me after 2 hours because this stupid management system.

Sesiapa , yang bekerja dengan astro kat sini please tell your bosees that your service is SUCKED really damned sucked, ask your boss to see me if they want to talk about frontliner system....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I dont knowlah other orang punya experience mesti indah2, tapi this is my today experienced. I tengok kat t.v ada makcik beli barang go shop banyak betul, tak taulah tu auta ke tidak, pesan saya kat makcik baik pergi pasar karat depan stadium shah alam. Setiap ahad..macam2 ada..........

Jip Razil Oman's 

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