Nak Dijadikan Cerita,Kereta Sepasang Couple Cina ini Telah ROSAK Di IKEA..Dan Apa Yang Dibuat Oleh Keluarga Melayu Ini Bakal Mengejutkan Ramai Orang Yang Semestinya Tidak Pernah Jangka!!

$%This chinese couple had trouble starting their car. Immediately this malay family drove their car up next to the car of this chinese couple to help them charge the battery (I don’t normally refer to people referring to race but there’s a reason why I saying this…oh just read on n all will be revealed lol).

What was amazing is the malay family left their car running with keys and all intact and went shopping in IKEA and told the chinese couple to just call them when everything’s is ok..

Moral of the story …We TRUE ordinary Malaysians are not racist …there is a special bond among us and you can see it everywhere…..

Its those in power and those who claim to be righteous with their actions proving otherwise……. who are really Racist! Sad isn’t that these kind of people exist and are still riding high !‪#‎thisisOURMalaysia‬. KREDIT SHANTI SURENDREN.

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