You know you need insurance, but the policies you carry may be more valuable than you know. Here are a dozen things you may not realize your insurance coverage will pay for.
#1 - Weight Loss

Your health insurer may help you fight the battle of the bulge. It is in the insurer's best interest to keep you healthy, and losing weight reduces your risk of a host of diseases from heart disease to cancer. Coverage varies, so check with your insurer before purchasing any weight-loss medications or enrolling in an exercise class. In addition to specific weight-loss coverage, many health insurers offer discounts on gym memberships.
#2 - Volcano Damage

If the volcano down the street spews ash all over your car or singes the shingles off your roof, your home or car insurance company may come to the rescue. Damage from volcanic eruptions is standard for most homeowners insurance policies. Volcanic damage to your car should also be covered if your policy includes comprehensive coverage.
#3 - Smoking Cessation

Health insurance companies are willing to pay for smoking cessation classes for the same reason they pay for weight-loss counseling - they know they will pay less in claims if you lead a healthier lifestyle. If you want to stop smoking, check with your health insurer about picking up the tab for nicotine patches, smoking cessation clinics and other items. 

#4 - Falling Stars

The odds of a meteorite striking your car or burning a hole in your roof are pretty low, but if a falling star ruins your day the insurance company will probably pay up. Meteorite strikes are covered by most homeowners insurance policies, and if you have comprehensive coverage on your car that damage should be included as well. 

#5 - Rodent Damage

If a family of mice decides to take up residence under the hood of your car, your automobile insurance policy could cover the damage. If you have comprehensive coverage on your car, your policy may pay to repair damage done by mice, raccoons and any other critter that decides to call your vehicle its home. 

#6 - Civil Unrest

While it is unlikely your home or car will be damaged due to a riot or civil unrest, you will be glad to know you are covered. Your automobile insurance policy covers civil unrest if you have comprehensive coverage. If your home is damaged due to rioting or civil unrest, your homeowners insurance should cover the repairs. 

#7 - Terrorism

You may be surprised to learn that many homeowners and car insurance policies cover damage caused by a terrorist attack. Your home or car is not likely to be damaged this way, but if it is you should be covered. 

#8 - Breastfeeding Equipment

The vast majority of doctors recommend that new moms breastfeed their babies if they are able to do so, but the cost of breast pumps, storage containers and other supplies can be a deterrent. Due to changes made by the Affordable Care Act, your health insurance company may provide the breast feeding supplies you need free of charge. 

#9 - Animal Attacks

One of the most important protections homeowners insurance provides is a shield against liability for dog bites and other animal acts of aggression. If your dog bites someone, you should be covered by the liability portion of your insurance policy. Be sure to notify your insurance agent that you have a dog, however. If you fail to disclose that information, you may not be covered. 

#10 - Lost Wages

If you have to stay home from work as the result of an auto accident, your car insurance may reimburse you for those lost wages. Many drivers are unaware of this coverage and fail to ask for it, so you should read your policy carefully and make sure you get everything you have coming. 

#11 - Dorm Room Theft

If you have a child away at college, your homeowners insurance policy may cover thefts from their dorm room. Check your policy carefully to see if you have this coverage; if not you may be able to add it before your son or daughter heads off to school. 

#12 - Defense Counsel

Your homeowners and automobile insurance policies may cover the cost of your legal defense in the event of a claim. Insurance companies have a vested interest in limiting your liability, and they are often willing to foot the bill for your legal defense. Your employer may also offer some form of legal insurance, so check your coverage before hiring an attorn

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